With the new name we have also changed our blog address.
Thank you!
The D-DESIGN label is relatively new to Second life, and yet has quickly become a favorite for many elegant ladies. Our motto is: "A shop for different clothes." And as you will see, D-DESIGN outfits are quite diverse in range, each with their own special style -- elegant yet modern, and always with a unique twist to catch the eye.
With the new name we have also changed our blog address.
Thank you!
Coming to the end of 2010, D-DESIGN has been working hard to be one of the best fashion stores... Varying from formal evening attire to casual and casual chic, you name it, we have it...
Now with the one year anniversary in November, we have been thinking of making some changes; something that will distinguish us at the market even more and make your shopping experience greater.
From November, 1st the new redecorated store is up and running (SLURL address will remain the same) and D-DESIGN is now Styles by Danielle. At the end of November we will have the Grand Opening and an anniversary celebration.
Please, visit our new store. Click here.
It's a Halloween season time and at D-DESIGN we have a hunt.
This hunt is for our group members only. Feel free to join and participate in this hunt.
25-31 October, 2010
You are looking for a pumpkin. There are 20 hidden pumpkins all around the store, but only THREE of them contain the prize:
1- Spider White mask
2- Spider Red mask
3- Spider Orange mask
Those are especially done to match the Spider dress. They are adorned with net lace and gem stones.
Hints are in the main store, touch the hunt banner for a notecard!
Happy hunting!
Here it is! A dress for you Halloween night or when you just feel like that^^ "Spider" comes in three options:
- gown with lace
- gown without lace
- jumpsuit
And a special vendor "Spider Halloween" only with the gown for a special price!!!!
Big group discounts only in our main store.
Happy Halloween!
I was very very pleased with all the entries for this month! I have to say contestants did a great job with their pictures and styling.
All the entries in full length are visible at our Flickr group I wear D-DESIGN) and here are the Fashionista winners for October!
Congratulations to our beautiful winners!
Each of them receives 500 ld gift card from our shop, a special tag, feature in HeartBEAT magazine and, most importantly, the opportunity to be crowned Miss D-DESIGN and win the big prizes!
Their pictures are also displayed in the main store.
Special thanks to our judges Angel Tzara (HeartBeat SL mag editor in chief) and Silexe Core (69 Park Ave CEO).
The new release has it all as its name says: flowers, romantic colors, sheer fabrics, softness a feminine cut...
The flowers at the bottom trim were painted by myself. The skirt is a little shorter in the front and has seamless texture that is making this dress a one of a kind !
The upper sheer fabric is following the skirt line and has even softer movement from the down skirt for a realistic feeling. Both skirts are collected in a small bow at the back.
The high opera gloves are included.
The off-shoulder sleeves are maybe dropping a hint? :))
The Romance gown is discounted for group members during the promotional days.
Visit the D-DESIGN Main Store and get your color today!
To complete this lovely gown our Miss D-DESIGN 2011 sponsor "MsDesigns" has created perfect heels for it! As a gown has three main colors on it, so the heels can be colored in three different parts and they come as alpha and non-alpha compatible.
Hello everyone! I just thought to show you already the next group gift for October, since it goes so well with the 60 ld sandals that will be on sale this weekend.
Tap into the wild part of your inner self with this alluring zebra print outfit. You have the choice of two tops--one a full blouse and the other a flirty little top that laces up the front. The skirt is multi-layer and ride low on the hip for a peek-a-boo effect.
To complete your October Gift outfit use the opportunity this weekend (September 25-26) to get the sandals on sale for only 60 ld!
You will also find a very modern jewelry ensemble to finish your look: the new “Zebra” bead & circle jewelry set that will be released on October 1st and group members will have a special discount on it.
So many reasons to visit the main store and join the group if you haven’t done that already!
Be ready for hiking, biking, outdoor fun or indoor just looking AWESOME in the latest 'Top Girl' outfit by D-Design. The outfit is available in black, blue and white. The black one has 2 versions: the 'clean' one and the one with the lots of fun extras a (belt chain, a skull clip-on, safety pins and more).
The 'clean' version has left leg prims: one with a bottle of your energizing drink and for a little companion - a pet rat. It is also possible to modify it in case you don't like any of them.
The extra version has rat only.
Big group discount on those outfits during the promo days!
Oh wow! I am so pleased with all the entries we’ve got and many many thanks for them! We have 7 entries (visible at our Flicker group I wear D-DESIGN) and here are the Fashionista winners!
Jamee Sandalwood:
Adriana Geraln:
Each of them receives 500 ld gift card from our shop, a special tag, feature in HeartBEAT magazine and, most importantly, the opportunity to be crowned Miss D-DESIGN and win the big prizes!
Their pictures are also displayed in the main store.
Special thanks to our judges Angel Tzara (HeartBeat SL mag editor in chief) and Prazillo Lemon (model and blogger)
Step into a moment of unbridled elegance and sheer femininity. The 'Thousand Kisses' dress will caress your figure in two of the most luxurious fabrics ever. Wrapped on the right side in heavy satin this gown meets the lace-ensconced left with a star-burst brooch at the hip whose gemstone matches the gown. Created to kiss you from head to toe with everything that brings out of the best of the woman inside of you on that special day!
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D-DESIGN is launching a grid-wide search for the woman who most perfectly represents the style and versatility of our label.
Each month we will choose a D-DESIGN Fashionista, and once a year, from those monthly winners, we will pick the Annual Miss D-DESIGN.
Our Monthly Fashionista winners will receive a special tag, a 500L gift card, and, most importantly, the opportunity to be crowned Miss D-DESIGN and win the big prizes!
The first Miss D-DESIGN will be crowned in June 2011, and will receive:
- 20,000L cash prize
- 5,000L gift card
- A cover picture and inside feature in HeartBEAT SL Magazine that will include professional pictures, taken by one of HeartBEAT's outstanding photographers
- D-DESIGN Crown designed exclusively by ZURI-jewelry creations
- Gifts from our sponsors
- A custom gown, named just for her
- The honorable tag "Miss D-DESIGN 2011"
- She will also star in our advertising and have the opportunity to represent our brand at important events
We have prizes for runner-up, and second runner-up too - 1,500L in cash, a 1,000L gift card, and gifts from our wonderful sponsors.
We are looking for women who are photogenic and stylish, skillful with SL clothing and accessories, and responsible, collaborative, and comfortable working in a team.
If you believe you have what it takes to be the Face of D-DESIGN, the instructions below will tell you how to apply.
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Winners of each monthly Fashionista Contest will automatically qualify for the Annual Miss D-DESIGN Pageant.
To enter the monthly Fashionista Contest:
- Join the D-DESIGN inworld group
- Create a notecard titled "Fashionista (month/year) - (Your name)" [e.g: Fashionista 09/2010 - Dani Plassitz] and include the following in the notecard:
a) one 512x512 face shot of your avatar wearing D-DESIGN clothes
b) one 512x512 full-length shot of your avatar wearing D-DESIGN clothes
Accessories do not have to be D-DESIGN, only the clothing.
Pictures must be full perm.
- Drop the notecard into the dropbox at our main store. Entries are accepted from 1st-15th of each month.
Monthly winner's pictures will be featured here in our blog.
All contestant's pictures will be shown on our Flickr group site: http://www.flickr.com/groups/i_wear_d-design
Rules for the Annual Miss D-DESIGN Pageant will be shared with the Monthly winners.
Thank you and good luck!
Our fabulous sponsors:
- Zuri - jewelry creations
- Heartbeat SL magazine
- Furniture and Design
- Pelletteria Morrisey
- Ms Graphic Designs
I did that dress like ten days before and couldn’t wait to give it to you. Now it is here and enjoy it!!!
Wear a group tag and touch the vendor at the main store.
It has a slight retro look and the belt and the choker are included.
Here they are… three new colors of your favorite gown: black, night blue and pine green. Some colors are accompanied with the black and others with the golden lace for a different look.
Now you can buy a jewelry set that perfectly matches this dress, with a gem changer. And not only you get 4 gem colors for 4 gowns, but 12!
All the new releases are discounted for the inworld members for limited time, and there is a fat pack available.
I am very excited to announce that the D-DESIGN has reached its first 1000 members and for this purpose I have released a very special gown as a gift to my dear members called “Thousand Kisses”. This gown is not only unique by its style, but also it enfolds all the knowledge I had gained during the past 7 month. It is made of satin and lace and comes with a lovely brooch on a hip. The jewelry set is possible to buy separately.
I hope this gown made my members proud just I am for having them!
A very nice coincidence was that just on the same day we have reached 1000 members, D-DESIGN has had its Fashion Show organized by Prestige MA. Here are some pictures, and there was a party after the show.
A big THANKS to everyone for supporting D-DESIGN fashion!